Dr. Sara Moscone


Office 204
Lerchenweg 36
Bern 3012
University of Bern
2023 - present Postdoctoral Researcher in SNF-Project "The Jewish and Christian Samuel: Borrowings, Demarcations, Entanglements", Institute of Jewish Studies
2023 Four Month Research assistant at the Institute for Classical Philology, University of Bern.
2019-2023 PhD student in SNF-Sinergia-Project „Lege Iosephum!“ Ways of Reading Josephus in the Latin Middle Ages at Prof. Dr. Katharina Heyden
2016-2019 Letters and History teacher in high school classes in Alba and Bra (Italy)
2018 24 ECTS credits in the anthropological, psychological and pedagogical fields - postgraduate high education course at Università degli Studi di Torino
2017 Post-graduate high education course: XX Settimana di Studi tardoantichi e romanobarbarici: “Il cristianesimo altomedievale tra agiografia ed enciclopedismo” at University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’
2013-2016 Master’s degree in Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity at Università degli Studi di Torino. Thesis in Ancient Christian Literature: “Divine Πρόνοια and Παιδεία in John Chrysostom’s De Anna sermo 1: translation and comment.”
2010-2013 Bachelor’s degree in Ancient Letters at Università degli Studi di Torino. Thesis in History of the Greek Language: “Philoctetes - translation and comment of Dio Chrysostom’s Speech 59”
2005-2010 Secondary school-leaving certificate ('A-levels') in classical subjects at Liceo Classico Statale ‘G. Govone’ of Alba (CN) Italy
  • The figure of Samuel in Judeo-Hellenistic sources.
  • Jewish and Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages.
  • The influence of Flavius Josephus and other Jewish sources on Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica (Paris, 1160).

Moscone, Sara (2025). “The Story of Ruth according to Peter Comestor”, in R. Graybill and P. Guillalme (eds.), Ruth, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing 2025, 291–303. https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/view-chapter/?id=46882

Moscone, Sara (2025). Pro veritate historiae: Flavio Giuseppe e le fonti ebraiche nell’Historia Scholastica di Pietro Comestore, Basel: Schwabe, 2025. https://doi.org/10.24894/978-3-7965-5203-8

Moscone, Sara (2025, forthcoming). “Lost Oral Traditions: The Jewish Sources of Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica”, in M. Clark and R. Saccente (eds.) Texts and Studies in the Scholastic Thought of the High Middle Ages: The School of Paris, Washington: CUA Press.

Moscone, Sara (2025, forthcoming). “Josephus, Comestor, and Women in Biblical Law: Excerpts from Numbers and Deuteronomy”, in C. Bay, A. Ellis, J. Mania, S. Moscone, L. Tröger (eds.) The Medieval Afterlife of Hellenistic Judaism: Reception & Reinvention in Western Europe, Basel: Schwabe.

Moscone, Sara (2023) “Magis Iosephi sententia sequimur: The compass of Comestor’s journey through the Historia.”, in IX Ciclo di Studi Medievali. Atti di Convegno, EBS Edizioni.

Moscone, Sara (2022) “Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica: Pursuing the veritas historiae Through the Works of Josephus.”, in Judaica: Neue Digitale Folge, Bern 2022. https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2022.19

Moscone, Sara (2017) “De Anna sermones di Giovanni Crisostomo: note di confronto con le omelie De Statuis” in Vetera Christianorum 54, Bari 2017.