Moscone, Sara (2025). “The Story of Ruth according to Peter Comestor”, in R. Graybill and P. Guillalme (eds.), Ruth, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing 2025, 291–303.
Moscone, Sara (2025). Pro veritate historiae: Flavio Giuseppe e le fonti ebraiche nell’Historia Scholastica di Pietro Comestore, Basel: Schwabe, 2025.
Moscone, Sara (2025, forthcoming). “Lost Oral Traditions: The Jewish Sources of Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica”, in M. Clark and R. Saccente (eds.) Texts and Studies in the Scholastic Thought of the High Middle Ages: The School of Paris, Washington: CUA Press.
Moscone, Sara (2025, forthcoming). “Josephus, Comestor, and Women in Biblical Law: Excerpts from Numbers and Deuteronomy”, in C. Bay, A. Ellis, J. Mania, S. Moscone, L. Tröger (eds.) The Medieval Afterlife of Hellenistic Judaism: Reception & Reinvention in Western Europe, Basel: Schwabe.
Moscone, Sara (2023) “Magis Iosephi sententia sequimur: The compass of Comestor’s journey through the Historia.”, in IX Ciclo di Studi Medievali. Atti di Convegno, EBS Edizioni.
Moscone, Sara (2022) “Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholastica: Pursuing the veritas historiae Through the Works of Josephus.”, in Judaica: Neue Digitale Folge, Bern 2022.
Moscone, Sara (2017) “De Anna sermones di Giovanni Crisostomo: note di confronto con le omelie De Statuis” in Vetera Christianorum 54, Bari 2017.